Monday, December 2, 2013

An American Hero: The Tradition of Giving

An American Hero.

A little boy’s lesson in business has become an example of holiday giving he has shared with his family and community. Colby Groom, now 14, donated the profits he earned selling tool kits while riding along with his grandfather Mark Stuchel, who owned a Snap-on tool franchise, to purchase toys for other less-fortunate children. Eight years later, Colby’s grandmother, Suzan, and his sisters Cheyanne, 10, Courtney, 12, and Carissa, 8, share in his generosity. The family purchased 296 toys on Black Friday, which they donated to the area Toys for Tots drive. The program has provided more than 452 million toys to more than 209 million needy children since its inception in 1947.

We are still accepting toy donations, which can be brought to any Bob Brown metro location.

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